On February 21, 2004, one of my closest friend's sisters was coming home from a friend's house early in the morning. It seemed just like another ordinary day...
She was driving down the road talking on her cell phone (like most teens do). Unfortunately, that ordinary day tured out to be an extraordinary day. Like most teens, she was killed instantly. She ran into a ditch. While she was trying to get out, a big truck came by and killed her right there. Her mom expecting her home would soon be surprised.
She thought that a 30 minute wait wouldn't be long, but that 30 minute wait turned out to be a lifetime.
Cindy thought she had her whole life ahead of her, but it turns out she was wrong.
Help stop distractions in the car that cause over 1,000 teens to die each year in car wrecks who are killed instantly or die later in the hospital.
In loving memory of Cynthia Gail Pridemore, age: 17
By: Amber, Kayla, Rebecca, and Kalani