The display pic mentioned below was this picture with the girl edited out and Susie's picture added to it.
"Zuzie" is a made-up person, a type of evil twin of Susie.
(12:36:31 AM) Susie: Send me ur display pic! PLZ!
(12:36:56 AM) Ethan sends E:\My Documents\Susie\Susiebarbie2.jpg
(12:37:48 AM) Ethan: :)
(12:38:07 AM) Ethan: I cracked up so much the night I made this.
(12:38:58 AM) Susie: Tee*hee
(12:39:04 AM) Susie: Hey! I ain't a Barbie doll!
(12:39:04 AM) Susie: :D
(12:39:21 AM) Susie: Can I ask you ONE question?
(12:39:26 AM) Ethan: yes
(12:39:32 AM) Susie has successfully received E:\My Documents\Susie\Susiebarbie2.jpg from Ethan.
(12:39:45 AM) Susie: How could you STAND to cut your Girlfriend's picture outta that thing?
(12:39:52 AM) Ethan: hush :P
(12:40:11 AM) Susie: I'M SERIOUS!
(12:40:33 AM) Ethan: me too, hush :P
(12:40:44 AM) Susie: Make me Old man! Thats right! You can't
(12:41:11 AM) Ethan: *drives to your house at 12:41 am and puts tape on your mouth*
(12:41:33 AM) Susie: Oh I dont want you to Brake a hip
(12:43:36 AM) Ethan: oh yeah, well, I'll change my display pic to Zuzie
(12:44:31 AM) Susie: I SEE HOW YOU ARE!
(12:44:35 AM) Susie: Ethan, ITS OVER!
(12:44:59 AM) Ethan: what's over?
(12:45:10 AM) Susie: US, WE'RE OVER!
(12:45:19 AM) Ethan: there was an us? *feels special*
(12:45:46 AM) Susie: Oh hush!
(12:45:51 AM) Susie: Never talk to me again!
(12:45:55 AM) Susie: Go get "Zuzie"
(12:47:12 AM) Susie: This one boy at school named mikey would always go "Hey Susie, Its over" And I would say "Hey Mikey, It never Started"
(12:47:28 AM) Ethan: hehe
(12:47:36 AM) Susie: I said go talk to Zuzie!
(12:47:57 AM) Ethan: she told me it's over and to go back to you
(12:48:38 AM) Susie: NO!
(12:48:44 AM) Susie: Its OVER! FOR GOOD!
(12:49:25 AM) Ethan: well, I am pretty tired anyway
(12:49:37 AM) Susie: FINE. BE THAT WAY *crying face emoticon*
(12:49:54 AM) Ethan: Susie! *crying face emoticon*
(12:50:31 AM) Susie: *Walks outta sight*
(12:50:50 AM) Ethan: *cries loud*
(12:53:53 AM) Susie: *Starts Raining*
(12:54:03 AM) Ethan: raining?
(12:55:03 AM) Ethan: you are raining?
(12:55:17 AM) Ethan: it's raining Susies outside, folks!
(12:57:13 AM) Ethan: *sings* ''Tons of Susies, Susies for me. Tons of Susies, Susies for free!''