I heard a sermon at church about God's promise of strength for daily living. The main verses the message was based on were Phillipians 4:10-13. Christians have a contentment so long as they hold to Christ for everything. Knowing that nothing can separate us from the love of God gives us the ability to not be discontented by our circumstances. I am reminded of Romans 8:38-39.
However, in a way, we should never be content. We sell ourselves short if we become complacent; we should always be longing to have a closer relationship with God and eager to do more good for others in the name of Jesus Christ. This opportunity is a privilege. The sort of discontentment that motivates us to not miss this opportunity is different from discontentment that results from negative circumstances. It is a source of joy because though we were the lowest of the low, God has chosen us to be His children and called us to be involved in His holy work (Ephesians 2:10).