I walked into the local group therapy and saw Deception. Deception lied and lied, but Forgiveness was not getting angry. Cynical and Short-temper sure were upset though. A big fight was going on between Anger and Insanity. They were bouncing off the walls. Restraint had to beg Short-temper not to join in. Over in the corner, I saw Mooch bumming some money from Generous. The therapist was next to them talking to Procrastination and Patience. Procrastination would never take out the trash, and Patience didn't get angry at him, so they had a really smelly house waiting for them.
Was cheering up Sad.
Judgment and Discrimination
Were really coming down on Radical and Bad.
Loud wouldn't quit shouting
And Silence was covering her ears.
Hope and Courage
Were trying to calm down Fear.
Humor was telling jokes
To Attentive and Bored.
Peace was sitting quietly,
But Violence pulled a sword.
Wisdom, the therapist, proclaimed loudly, "All of your problems are that you are too extreme. Being well-rounded and doing things in moderation is the right way." None of them understood, but I did. They all did agree on one thing: Their names are quite odd. I wonder how they got their names?
Written in 1999