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Once upon a time, there was no "rape" by today's definition. Women were mostly "willing" (Read: bred) subservients who never dreamed of resisting anything the man who "owned" them wanted. They didn't fight for their rights until more recently really, and then they won them. When fetuses the world over rise up to liberate themselves, I'll support them too. Nathan: Might makes right then? Pick on the helpless, but never cross people who can defend themselves? What is it about yourself and the other people walking around on the earth that makes you think you're any better than fetuses? If someone kills a person, what more have they taken than the person who aborts a fetus? Pro-Choice Advocate D: No, help those who help themselves. Take the AIDS in Africa situation. How are we supposed to help a bunch of people who'd rather not listen to us anyway? And the homeless, most could get back on their feet, but they refuse to help themselves. Why should we bend over backwards to help a bunch of people who don't care about themselves? Nathan: So what should be our minimum self-help requirement before we help someone? Pro-Choice Advocate D: Someone saying, "help" Nathan: So don't help infants, toddlers, and the mute? |
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