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Banning abortion will not stop abortions. People will just go "underground" where the "doctors" are far less trained and only increase the risk to the mother. Pro-Life Advocate P: Hey, if they're that desperate to off the baby, then who cares? Pro-Choice Advocate D: 'Pro-life' indeed. Proves Carlin's point I guess "They'll fight their hearts out for you in the womb, but once you're out you're on your own!" Nathan: They reap what they sow. Pro-Choice Advocate D: Indeed? Perhaps then you'd like to give up your right to put a child up for adoption? If you want to talk about human rights, there's no right more precious than the right to be taught by your birth parents. Adoption and abortion are the same in spirit, the abandonment of the child. You can't outlaw one because it's evil-spirited without outlawing the other. Nathan: This does require reconciliation. Let the child be raised and then told he was adopted and who his parents are. Then, let that person decide if he should blame his birth parents or not. Let him decide whether his being raised was somehow deficient. (My assumption was that very few adopted people will think being raised by adoptive parents was somehow deficient.) Pro-Choice Advocate D: So basically, "wait until after the child in question is grown up and THEN make a decision about whether adoption is harmful or helpful to him". Doesn't it become kind of a moot point by the time they're old enough to make a decision on their own? Nathan: Well, given the other options, adoption seems the best way to minimize the wrong committed. They can stay with their parents who don't want them (bad), they can be aborted before they're born (bad), or they can be adopted (could be good or bad). Let the parents know that someday they will see the person face to face that they were responsible for and chose to abandon, or give them some other incentive to raise their own kids... I'm open to suggestions. Pro-Choice Advocate D: Either way you're forcing people down a path for their life. What this country is about is maximizing opportunities and decisions and to take that away for your moral questioning is more immoral than any abortion ever. Nathan: (This is why I and likely many others insist on making the murder-abortion parallels. This is how the logic goes: Murder = wrong Murder = not permitted for the sake of maximizing opportunities and decisions. Therefore, if Abortion = as wrong as murder Then Abortion = not permitted for the sake of maximizing opportunities and decisions.)
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